The Erode Local Planning Area (ELPA) was declared in 1974 under (G.0. Ms. No.1027, Rural Development and Local Administration, 16th April 1974. No. II (2)/RUL/ 2527/74. 80 In exercise of the powers, conferred by sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972). The additional areas in Erode LPA as per notified 10(1) G.O. Ms. No 148, H & UD Department Dated 20.06.2013 and Expanded area notified 10(4) G.O. Ms. No 191, H & UD Department Dated 30.12.2020.
The proposed planning area comprises of the Extended Local Planning Area of Erode, which is about 731.00 sq. km. This includes the expanded Erode City Municipal Corporation (ECMC) with an area of 109.52 Sq. km, 11 Town Panchayat with an area of 190.58 sq. km, and 79 Revenue Village of 430.90